Radio WART
Thinking about Dave Hickey’s essays inspired the radio show that Jerry and L and I did.. we wanted that vernacular style that he is so comfortable writing in. We also wanted it to be humorous.. so I hope it was. The questions or myths that we discussed are those you so often hear… so we thought it was a good way to play. Values were discussed regarding artwork.. and who marks the value… critics, appraisers, or personal desire of the artist or collector. In the end we concluded that the critic gives good press or bad press and that either way this is good. Hickey of course suggests that the critic is part of the elliptical relationship between the dealer, collector and artist. He is rather cynical about this relationship but I see it as part of the components of capitalism..c’est la vie! As for appraisers they help to put $ to the work and gage this based on sales and exhibition records. And as for the collector they should consider if they are buying for solely for investment to buy then from a reputable dealer.. but in the end if the collector loves the work then he is buying for his pleasure and revery.
Other myths discussed were the notions of artists as drunken crazies…and whether or not going to art school is a good career plan? I think that myths perpetuated by media and the art world??? Who ever that is…?? Are prevalent in every profession so as we become and establish ourselves as artist we define the fluidity of who we are and how we live in this world. De-mythologizing the myth of being an artist is an important process for success.. Other wise you might end up bitter when you realize you can’t achieve the utopic notion of the great artist… and who wants to be a drunken tortured soul.. not me? Most artists want to make their work and live a creative life and have the things that most desire in this western culture. Each will modify this to meet their individual desires.
Other myths discussed were the notions of artists as drunken crazies…and whether or not going to art school is a good career plan? I think that myths perpetuated by media and the art world??? Who ever that is…?? Are prevalent in every profession so as we become and establish ourselves as artist we define the fluidity of who we are and how we live in this world. De-mythologizing the myth of being an artist is an important process for success.. Other wise you might end up bitter when you realize you can’t achieve the utopic notion of the great artist… and who wants to be a drunken tortured soul.. not me? Most artists want to make their work and live a creative life and have the things that most desire in this western culture. Each will modify this to meet their individual desires.
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