Saturday, February 3, 2007

I have been mulling over some of the issues raised in class yesterday. One of the things that occurred to me was that perhaps we may be attempting to pursue a definition of an artist as a fixed definition rather than something that is fluid. Something that may change and be celebrated for its metamorphosis and possibility..and in fact one of the characteristics that is certainly attractive to me. I guess what I am thinking is there are no 10 easy steps to being an artist. and my steps might not be others.

For myself I feel that it is always changing and opening territory I might not have considered in the past. I love being an artist because I love making things and like Kevin suggested it is like a portal that opens to a highly addictive space inside of you... a place I feel so happy to get to through the touching and understanding of matter and its possibility to transform and to evoke ideas.. and like Caesandra mentioned as is the thrill of realizing what is in the minds eye. The more I make work the more I know that this is all I want to do. But it doesn't mean that my path is the same as anyone elses or that my path won't change.. right now I just want more of what I have but perhaps in a year I will decide that I also want to teach.

Teaching is a creative activity which is why I think it can feed you but it can also drain you.. so finding the place that suites you is the journey??? perhaps that is a little too new agey.. I hope you guys know what I mean.??

The other thought I wanted to clarify was this idea that the dealer is somehow corrupt or is out to take advantage or to cramp our styles as artists. I have been lucky. My dealer is great and supportive of the work that only a crazy collector would consider or a museum.. I have also made work that fits the bill for the more traditional idea of a collector...drawings, prints, and photos...but these are all or often inspired by the crazy work and if you find the right dealer they will understand that and see it as a cachet. Having a dealer too is not just one sided.. You are more in a partnership. At least in Canada it appears that the days of the Impresario's are gone. There are a few old guard but pretty much it is a partnership.. a working together.. I want them to sell my the public and to the museums. My responsibility apart from making my work is to exhibit as much as possible in public galleries (in Canada these are small museums), alternative exhibitions spaces plus to develop international networks for exhibiting etc..etc. all this helps them to sell my work.. I guess from my perspective I also see a part..a big part of being an artist is being in business. It is the part I least like but it is part of the job. ok ....more later if I feel like back to what I love ..making things.

I am busy working on my doorknobs.. so because I like pictures here is one!!!! If you want to smell them or touch them come to B19.. I usually have the beeswax brewing!


Amy G. said...

Penelope, I really love those doorknobs. Wow.

penelope stewart said...

thanks amy.. I figured if I am going to give the blog thing a chance I want pictures so please post on your site pictures... there is nothing like a visual..

Big Fuzzy said...

great pic!! and as you know i agree with you that a gallery/dealer is not always a creative impediment. most have started their business out of a love for art, not to make money. we should think of them as comrades, not enemies! there are bad exapmles in every field to spawn stereotypes as elinor said, but we should keep our minds open to all possibilities...