Friday, February 2, 2007

OK.. so this is the first post on this blog. I am not sure if I have done all that needs to be done. I guess we shall see...?
I just added this image of a fellow artist in Quebec City under a piece I installed called Canopy.. This was part of a residency that I was invited to last summer.. As this is my test post I was trying to think of something that was interesting... at least sort of????
I thought I would talk about residencies a little. I have been on a few and have found them to be really great experiences. A lot of what we do as artists is networking and it is a wonderful calling card. You meet some one and tell them you are an artist and suddenly a whole new world is open to you. It is as if you speak a language understood internationally.. Anyway if any one has any questions about the residencies I have been to let me know... I have posted a call for Gibralter Point ..which is a really interesting program. well until my next foray into blog posting.....p

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